Americanpeasant’s Weblog

10 years
June 22, 2018, 4:31 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

As of this week, I have been here in the UK for ten years. And a dear friend reminded me of my blog at a time when I really needed to be reminded about it. So I’m going to start with a list of the the things I love about being here. In no particular order.

  1. the dawn chorus. (I love waking up, especially on days like today, after the summer solstice, and listening to the birds serenading the sun)
  2. Summer in Britain, when it is sunny, is GLORIOUS
  3. Sticky toffee pud
  4. seeing fox cubs in the snow. Or on the 10th green.
  5. long days during the summer.
  6. Kew
  7. The Thames
  8. Cornwall
  9. The Kent coast
  10. Turkish food
  11. Turkish grocery shops
  12. cheap-ish holidays to Europe.
  13. coronation chicken sandwich filling (not sure why that popped into my head)
  14. the Tube
  15. I know how to navigate a roundabout.
  16. Tresco (not Tesco, that’s different)
  17. Afternoon tea–both the fancy type and a good cuppa.
  18. Guy Fawkes night
  19. The city of London
  20. friends who are chosen family